Oodles of Financial Advice
What's going on, what to know, and what else is happening in the financial world and beyond with Jeremy Udell, CFP®. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1950 Ringling Blvd Ste 403, Sarasota, FL/ Phone:941.951.0443/ Email:Jeremy@wealthenjoyment.com/ www.wealthenjoyment.com________________________________________________>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Securities offered through Kestra Investment Services, LLC (Kestra IS), member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Kestra Advisory Services, LLC (Kestra AS), an affiliate of Kestra IS. Udell Associates is not affiliated with Kestra IS or Kestra AS. Neither Kestra IS nor its affiliates provide legal or tax advice. This content is published for residents of the United States only. Registered Representatives of Kestra IS and Investment Adviser Representatives of Kestra AS may only conduct business with residents of the states and jurisdictions in which they are properly registered. Therefore, a response to a request for information may be delayed. Not all of the products and services referenced on this site are available in every state and through every representative or advisor listed. For additional information, please contact our Compliance department at 844-553-7872./Investor Disclosures: https://bit.ly/KF-Disclosures <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< https://www.finra.org /https://www.sipc.org/
Oodles of Financial Advice
Episode 17: Money in the Star Wars Galaxy
Jeremy Udell
What did they use for Money in the Star Wars universe? How much did things cost? If Luke thought he could almost buy his own ship for 10,000… how close was he? And what kind of ship would that have been. And 10,000 what, exactly? If you are interested in these deep, philosophical questions, this is the Podcast for you! Tune in as Jeremy welcomes one of his best friends, David Vazana, a great guy, as well as the man who always beat him at Star Wars Trivial Pursuit. Together they will analyze all of the financial questions of a galaxy far, far away, and create an idea for a game changing new Crypto Currency, the N1!